Friday, November 15, 2013

A Prophecy for Our Day

I was reading in the Book of Mormon this morning.  Specifically, I was reading in 1 Nephi 11.  In recent weeks, this chapter has come to mean more to me as we have discussed "the condescension of God" in my institute class.  Verses 31-36 stuck out to me this morning as a flashing warning sign of OUR times.

31 - There are all manner of sicknesses, diseases, devils, and unclean spirits.  All of which CAN be healed by the power of the Lamb of God.

32 - The Lamb of God is judged by the world.

33 - He is lifted up and slain for (note alternate definition for the word "for" is "because of") the sins of the world.

34 - After he was slain, the multitudes join together to fight against the apostles of the Lord.

35 - The world gathers together according to the wisdom of the world.

36 - Ultimately, those who fight against God will be slain.

I can't even express the feelings that have come into my mind as I have thought about these scriptures this morning.  I worry for the world.  The world has judged Jesus and has decided, once again, that they are better without Him.  I worry for those of us who get caught up in the "should I or shouldn't I" when it comes to sharing our testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Lord, and our Heavenly Father.  Look around and you can see that every day Christ is raised upon the cross anew.  He is put there when governments don't protect religious freedoms.  He is put there when we don't defend our belief in Him.  He is put there as we pursue the desires of the flesh.  Let us not be a part of this new age crucifixion.

Be not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16).  Don't be afraid because you are in the infancy of your an example of your beliefs by the way you walk, talk, and think (1 Timothy 4:12).  Have faith and hold to the knowledge that His way is the best way.  Following His footsteps is the only way to be truly happy in this life AND prepare for eternal life.  A familiar hymn states, "Rise up, O men of God!  Have done with lesser things."  I think this could also read, "Rise up, O men and women of God!  Have done with lesser things."  Let us rid ourselves of the worldly and unimportant (ungodly) things of this world.  May we follow the steps of the Savior and find much greater meaning in our lives and help others, as we are directed, to find meaning in theirs.

"Be Not Afraid, Only Believe"

Jairus sought Jesus and said, "My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay the hand on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live."  On the way to the man's house, a certain person came, bearing grievous news, "Thy daughter is dead..."  I cannot begin to imagine the grief and pain of Jairus.  He must have been devastated.  He went to the Lord seeking a blessing, knowing that the Lord could provide.  He trusted in the Lord, went out himself to find the Lord, and now it seemed that it was for naught.  Then, before this man could begin to doubt, Jesus told him, "Be not afraid, only believe."

Reading these words is much easier than putting them into practice.  I have not lost, nor thought I might be losing, a sibling, parent, or child.  I do not know what that will be like and I do not like to think about it.  That has not been my trial.  My trials and temptations have been numerous and varied over the years.  I have yet to completely overcome any of them.  Oh but the things that I have learned.

I have learned that God, our literal Father in Heaven, loves us.  I know that he wants us to be like Him.  I have learned that Jesus Christ is our Savior and our Exemplar.  He came to this world to show us what the Father is like.  They are patient, loving, kind, long-suffering, full of mercy, powerful, ever present, and ever aware.  They know our needs and have provided both a plan and a means whereby we can return, not only with them, but as they are.  I have learned that as hard as it is to "only believe", it is worth every second of self-denial, teardrop, hardship, and attack.  I have learned that as I put my trust in my God and in my Savior, I am borne upon the wings of angels.  I am given strength to carry on.

I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of mankind.  I know that anyone that wants His help can have it.  I know that He stands waiting to give a hand.  The next time you come to a crossroads, listen to the Savior and "Be not afraid, only believe."