Elder David A. Bednar explains in his book "Increase in Learning" that we are to act, as agents, and not be acted upon, as objects. There is a scripture that I like to read when talking about following the Spirit. Nephi had just returned to Jerusalem to recover the brass plates from Laban. He acted upon the commandment that he had received from the Lord, via his father, Lehi. After their plan was frustrated the first time, Nephi returns to attempt again, explaining that he knows the Lord will provide a way for them to fulfill their purpose. He states, "and I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." (1 Nephi 4:6)
I recently had an experience with this sort of guidance. I was dealing with temptation, as happens so often in this carnal and devilish world. I prayed to be protected and that I would make the right decisions regarding said temptation. I was delivered from the temptation and was very happy. Foolishly, I let my guard down and, as happens with temptation, the Devil returned tempting me again. I wasn't as faithful this time and fell into temptation. The accompanying feelings of despair and loneliness were overwhelming. In this moment, following the sin, I knew that I had to make a choice. I could choose to wallow in self-pity and "whoa-is-me-ishness" or I could pray for forgiveness and recommit myself to our Father in Heaven.
I chose to pray and I am very glad that I did. I asked Heavenly Father, through the grace of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to forgive me of the aforementioned sin and to help me move forward. A question came to my mind. The question was posed the Thursday prior by President Robbins, an institute teacher in the Alpine Utah YSA Stake. He asked, "do you think that you have ever done anything that has surprised, angered, or embarrassed the Savior Jesus Christ?" The answer he gave was, "No!" He explained that the Savior knows that we live in a carnal world ruled by Satan. He knows that there will be missteps along the way. He loves us so very much that He bore our sin, our grief, and our pain. He will stand by us as we have faith in Him and strive to do what is right. This was a very comforting feeling. I continued praying.
I asked Heavenly Father to help me become worthy of the guidance of the Holy Ghost again. I promptly received the inspiration that I should attend the temple and do work for the dead. I shrugged off what I considered to be a crazy thought as I knew that I was not worthy to attend the temple. However, that feeling returned and forced me to consider what I was feeling. I felt the Spirit as if it said, "If you get ready and go to the temple now, you are worthy to go. If you wait to go until tomorrow, then you will not be worthy to enter." I knew that I needed to follow that prompting, as crazy as it seemed to my intellect.
I got up and got dressed to go to the temple. While I was driving to the temple, I wrestled with the thought of having very recently sinned and heading to the temple to participate in sacred ordinances. I continued to feel that it was right, even if it did not jibe with my current understanding. I arrived at the temple and as I pulled into the parking lot, a flood understanding washed over me. I understood the feelings and the promptings that I had received. You see, it was July 24. Here in Utah, that is Pioneer Day. A day celebrating the arrival of the first Latter-day Saint Pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley. As a result, the temple was closed. I had completely forgotten that the temple was closed. I parked in the parking lot and briefly admired the beauty of that building and the wonderful work that is performed inside. I marvel to think of the love of the Father to allow us to worship together and perform work for the deceased. I began to pray as I sat in my car.
The feelings of reassurance came into my heart, knowing that my Heavenly Father had directed me to that specific spot at that exact moment. I felt His Spirit as if it said, "My son, I wanted you to prove your willingness to change, to diligently act in faith, and to choose to follow the Spirit, 'not knowing beforehand the things which [you] should do.' (1 Nephi 4:6) I have brought you here, not to do temple work, but to teach you the importance of listening to the Spirit."
I wish to stop here for a moment and clarify that I am not comparing myself to Nephi, the great prophet of the Book of Mormon. I wish that one day I might show the same faith that he always did. I think of his rallying cry, "Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul...Do not slacken my strength because of mine afflictions." (2 Nephi 4:28-29) I love this chapter of scripture, often referred to as Nephi's Psalm. Midway through the chapter Nephi begins to describe his feelings of inadequacy. He explains that, at times, he feels almost overpowered by the adversary. However, he continues to pray to the Father of us all. He thanks Heavenly Father for his goodness and mercy. He has feelings of sorrow, despair, loneliness, and a host of feelings that knock us down. But as is always the case with the faithful followers of Christ, Nephi always gets back up.
"Rejoice, O my heart, and cry unto the Lord...wilt thou redeem my soul? Wilt thou deliver me out of the hands of mine enemies? Wilt thou make me that I may shake at the appearance of sin? May the gates of hell be shut continually before me...encircle me around in the robe of thy righteousness...I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever...I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I ask not amiss; therefore I will lift up my voice unto thee..." (2 Nephi 4:30-35)
This experience has taught me several very valuable lessons. First, our Heavenly Father loves us. He knows us on an extremely intimate level and has a plan for the salvation of each one of us. He knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts. Second, worthiness does not come merely through the passage of time but through the changing of the heart. For this reason, and others, we are not to judge others, especially when it comes to repentance. Third, the power of the adversary is strong and it is very real. I have felt that power as if it were a blanket of darkness that tries to overpower you in a spiritual, as well as physical way. This is the moment of choice.
You may "choose captivity and death" by allowing the darkness to fill your mind and your heart or you may "choose liberty and eternal life" by praying for deliverance from that awful being. We are "free to choose" (2 Nephi 2:27) but we do not have to choose nor walk alone. Speaking of the influence of the Holy Ghost, Elder Richard G. Scott explained, "I do not understand fully how it is done, but that guidance in your life does not take away your agency. You can make the decisions you choose to make..." (April 2012 - General Conference Saturday Afternoon) I hope that we can make the decision to follow Christ's example and be perfected in Him.
I know that He is our Savior and that He bled and died for us. He suffered immense pain which caused Him, the Greatest of all, to tremble. (Doctrine & Covenants 19:18) He fought, and suffered, and died to give us the right of agency. He made it possible for us to choose for ourselves, to seek learning, and to come unto the Father. He is the ONLY way back to the Father.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Obedience to that Law
I have recently learned a powerful lesson. This is a lesson that I have been taught ever since I can remember and yet, only now at 28 years old, am I learning it. Every blessing given to any person on earth is given according to the laws of justice. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)
I have spent the last 7 weeks trying to draw nearer unto my Father in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ. I have been blessed with many promptings, inspirations, and revelations that have guided me as I seek to renew my life as a disciple of Christ. I have been blessed to face challenges up against which I might otherwise have shrunk. I have been given the strength to walk by faith, the patience to endure, and the clarity of mind to discern between good and evil.
I have been working at a call center sales job for 5 weeks, now. I figured that I would be blessed and would know how to sell well, as long as I was doing what was right. What I did not count on, was that what I was doing, while good and spiritual, was not the answer to the question, "how do I sell this product better?"
I was reading in Elder Bednar's book "Increase in Learning" when I came across a powerful teaching that now makes more sense. Elder Bednar was asked about the role of the Spirit when it comes to matters that are not directly related to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His answer was both needful and timely. He said that one mission of the Holy Ghost is to bring ALL things to our remembrance and teach ALL things that are needful. Insomuch that we are agents to act, and not be acted upon, it is our responsibility to be diligently working and taking in information. He used the example of being a new employee (coincidence? No, I choose to believe it was a "tender mercy of the Lord"). I knew what I needed to do. I needed to focus more on learning my job and the information surrounding my job. This way, the Holy Ghost had something to work with. A day or two before reading that, I also read from Sheri Dew's "No One Can Take Your Place." Talking about scripture reading, and this can relate to all learning, she states that a friend exclaimed that there was so much in the scriptures that she couldn't remember half of what she read. Her friend continued, "But I've decided it's my job to put them in, and the Holy Ghost's job to pull them out when I need them."
I am happy to report that I was blessed to have my best day yet and that when I left work on Saturday, I had been blessed to have the most sales on the call floor. I know that learning is essential in this life. We have the chance and the choice, as well as the responsibility, to learn every day of our lives.
Heavenly Father has blessings in store for us but he can't simply give us those gifts. He desires that we learn and grow. Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught that, "He is a tender parent who would spare us needless suffering and grief..." There are two things that we can take away from that statement. The first, and most important, is that our Heavenly Father loves us dearly. The second take away is that there definitely will be suffering along the way but, He has promised that the suffering has a purpose. He understands that this life will include testing, pain, anguish, and struggle. He "delights to honor those who serve [Him]." (Doctrine and Covenants 76:5) He put laws in place in order to give us every blessing possible. "There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated. And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated." (Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21) He will not leave us alone. We can have his Spirit to be with us ALWAYS. I know this to be true and I am so thankful for a Loving Heavenly Father that guides every child that asks for his help. I hope that many more can learn to recognize the Spirit of the Lord so they, too, may be led into all good!
I have spent the last 7 weeks trying to draw nearer unto my Father in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ. I have been blessed with many promptings, inspirations, and revelations that have guided me as I seek to renew my life as a disciple of Christ. I have been blessed to face challenges up against which I might otherwise have shrunk. I have been given the strength to walk by faith, the patience to endure, and the clarity of mind to discern between good and evil.
I have been working at a call center sales job for 5 weeks, now. I figured that I would be blessed and would know how to sell well, as long as I was doing what was right. What I did not count on, was that what I was doing, while good and spiritual, was not the answer to the question, "how do I sell this product better?"
I was reading in Elder Bednar's book "Increase in Learning" when I came across a powerful teaching that now makes more sense. Elder Bednar was asked about the role of the Spirit when it comes to matters that are not directly related to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His answer was both needful and timely. He said that one mission of the Holy Ghost is to bring ALL things to our remembrance and teach ALL things that are needful. Insomuch that we are agents to act, and not be acted upon, it is our responsibility to be diligently working and taking in information. He used the example of being a new employee (coincidence? No, I choose to believe it was a "tender mercy of the Lord"). I knew what I needed to do. I needed to focus more on learning my job and the information surrounding my job. This way, the Holy Ghost had something to work with. A day or two before reading that, I also read from Sheri Dew's "No One Can Take Your Place." Talking about scripture reading, and this can relate to all learning, she states that a friend exclaimed that there was so much in the scriptures that she couldn't remember half of what she read. Her friend continued, "But I've decided it's my job to put them in, and the Holy Ghost's job to pull them out when I need them."
I am happy to report that I was blessed to have my best day yet and that when I left work on Saturday, I had been blessed to have the most sales on the call floor. I know that learning is essential in this life. We have the chance and the choice, as well as the responsibility, to learn every day of our lives.
Heavenly Father has blessings in store for us but he can't simply give us those gifts. He desires that we learn and grow. Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught that, "He is a tender parent who would spare us needless suffering and grief..." There are two things that we can take away from that statement. The first, and most important, is that our Heavenly Father loves us dearly. The second take away is that there definitely will be suffering along the way but, He has promised that the suffering has a purpose. He understands that this life will include testing, pain, anguish, and struggle. He "delights to honor those who serve [Him]." (Doctrine and Covenants 76:5) He put laws in place in order to give us every blessing possible. "There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated. And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated." (Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21) He will not leave us alone. We can have his Spirit to be with us ALWAYS. I know this to be true and I am so thankful for a Loving Heavenly Father that guides every child that asks for his help. I hope that many more can learn to recognize the Spirit of the Lord so they, too, may be led into all good!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Promised Blessings from Heaven
For a time, I dated a gal who was very wonderful. I felt drawn to her beautiful eyes, great spirit, and cheerful demeanor. After several weeks, I knew how I had begun to feel about her and wished to pursue a more established relationship. This gave me a sense of Déjà vu, due to the fact that every other relationship that I have had, at least in the realm of dating, has ended in heartbreak. I did not wish to go down that road again. I was reluctant to face those emotions and to openly discuss how I felt with her.
After several promptings and subsequent conversation, I felt to talk with her that evening. Having been a coward much of my life, I knew only to rely on the Lord for the strength to follow the feeling that I had. I thought "If I open myself and share those emotions and those feelings are not reciprocated, I will be crushed!" I wrestled with that feeling for most of the evening, drawing strength through reading the words of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's book "Trusting Jesus" and through prayer. I pressed on, trusting that the Lord would help me to share what I felt, I prayed for patience until I understood the Lord's plan, I prayed that I would be faithful, no matter the outcome of the conversation that was now imminent.
I was relieved to feel the warmth that I have come to enjoy more and more frequently. An overwhelming sense of peace and reassurance encircled me. I felt as if Heavenly Father spoke to me saying, "My son, I am happy that you have chosen to trust in Me and in the plan that I have for you." I knew that initiating that conversation at that moment in time, although it had not happened yet but was sure to come within the next 24 hours, was the right thing to do. I did not know what would come of it but now I knew that whatever did come, this was the Lord's will for me.
I briefly exchanged texts with her as she said she couldn't talk that evening. She said that she would call the next day. As we had arranged, she called me the following evening and we spoke. I expressed my desires to date her, and only her, and asked where she stood on the matter. She did not feel the same feelings that I felt. She still wanted to date and spend time together but wanted to leave her options open. I was happy to find that the crushing pain of previous experiences did not come. I felt at peace with what she expressed and again felt the reassurance that this was the will of the Lord.
With this news, my confidence seemed to INCREASE and not to DECREASE. I took strength in the words of President Thomas S. Monson, "one of the greatest and most valuable lessons we can learn in mortality is that when God speaks and a man obeys, that man will always be right." The result of the conversation was not what I had hoped for. However, I know that I had felt prompted to speak the words which I had spoken at that specific moment. Elder Richard G. Scott taught, "With certainty, you will receive every promised blessing for which you are worthy." I know this is true and I look forward with hope to those "promised blessings."
After several promptings and subsequent conversation, I felt to talk with her that evening. Having been a coward much of my life, I knew only to rely on the Lord for the strength to follow the feeling that I had. I thought "If I open myself and share those emotions and those feelings are not reciprocated, I will be crushed!" I wrestled with that feeling for most of the evening, drawing strength through reading the words of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's book "Trusting Jesus" and through prayer. I pressed on, trusting that the Lord would help me to share what I felt, I prayed for patience until I understood the Lord's plan, I prayed that I would be faithful, no matter the outcome of the conversation that was now imminent.
I was relieved to feel the warmth that I have come to enjoy more and more frequently. An overwhelming sense of peace and reassurance encircled me. I felt as if Heavenly Father spoke to me saying, "My son, I am happy that you have chosen to trust in Me and in the plan that I have for you." I knew that initiating that conversation at that moment in time, although it had not happened yet but was sure to come within the next 24 hours, was the right thing to do. I did not know what would come of it but now I knew that whatever did come, this was the Lord's will for me.
I briefly exchanged texts with her as she said she couldn't talk that evening. She said that she would call the next day. As we had arranged, she called me the following evening and we spoke. I expressed my desires to date her, and only her, and asked where she stood on the matter. She did not feel the same feelings that I felt. She still wanted to date and spend time together but wanted to leave her options open. I was happy to find that the crushing pain of previous experiences did not come. I felt at peace with what she expressed and again felt the reassurance that this was the will of the Lord.
With this news, my confidence seemed to INCREASE and not to DECREASE. I took strength in the words of President Thomas S. Monson, "one of the greatest and most valuable lessons we can learn in mortality is that when God speaks and a man obeys, that man will always be right." The result of the conversation was not what I had hoped for. However, I know that I had felt prompted to speak the words which I had spoken at that specific moment. Elder Richard G. Scott taught, "With certainty, you will receive every promised blessing for which you are worthy." I know this is true and I look forward with hope to those "promised blessings."
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