Tuesday, April 6, 2010

91 Days (exactly 13 weeks) to a New Life

Ok, so it's been about 2 hours since my last post and since then I've decided that I'm going to go public with my goal to lose weight. I know that there are a bunch of different diets and workout regimens out there such as The South Beach Diet, The Atkins Diet, P90X, Crossfit, and so forth. I don't intend on following a single one of them. The diet that I have put together is based on an idea from the book "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" so I do have to acknowledge Tom Venuto for his brilliant book. The workout part of my lifestyle change was given to me by a former co-worker of my dad, Aaron Winter(s). I'm going to post pictures today along with my measurements so that anyone can follow along and cheer me on. Sometimes I get lazy but I figure this will be a good way to keep me motivated. I plan on posting weekly pictures along with my weight, body fat %, waist and chest circumference, and maybe others depending on whether I think of them or not. I may post my fastest mile for the week...although I'm fat, slow, and lazy now...I will be a different person in 13 weeks. I won't only be exercising and eating well, I believe that in order for this to be a productive change, I will need to better my spiritual self as well. I will read my scriptures every day, pray frequently, and attend church weekly. So...here we go...91 days to a new me! You'll see me next week!

Weight - 296.0 lbs
Body Fat - 34%
Stomach - 50.5"
Waist - 46.5"
Chest - 54"
R. Biceps - 17.5"
L. Biceps - 16.5"
R. Thigh - 30"
L. Thigh - 30"
R. Calf - 19.5"
L. Calf - 18.5"
Neck - 19"