Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sustaining Our Leaders

I just finished reading the 26th chapter of Mosiah in the Book of Mormon.  The last few months, I have been writing my thoughts and feelings in a personal journal as I feel that a journal is the proper place for those thoughts and revelations.  However, I feel that the following thoughts are to be shared.  I don't expect to make anyone "see the light" or anything of that nature.  I simply wish to share my testimony.

Mosiah chapter 26 is scripture for our day.  The warning voice is raised regarding dissensions.  There were many who were in the church that were deceived (led astray) by the flattering words of others.  I believe that this happens frequently today.  I believe that it is imperative that we each decide for ourselves that we will truly sustain our leaders.  Sometimes we will not know "WHY" something is the way it is.

When I raise my right hand to the square and sustain general and local officers, I know that that entails a great amount of trust.  I trust that my leaders are doing everything in their power to lead and guide this church as the Savior directs.  I trust that they are living their lives so that they may be guided by the Spirit.

I haven't always had this trust.  I used to have to know "WHY" and I have found that the "why" slope is a slippery one.  Sometimes the Lord cannot or simply will not tell us why, be it for our own good and/or our development.  Maybe the Lord is proving us and our ability to follow the leaders that He has placed before us.  Alma 30:44 states, "...thou hast had signs enough; will ye tempt your God?  Will ye say, Show unto me a sign, when ye have the testimony of all these thy brethren, and also the holy prophets?"

I know that the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been called of God.  I know that they have led and continue to lead the church with direction from the Lord, himself.  I know that they have led me into all good and have taught correct principles.  I will continue to sustain them and follow them.  I know the Book of Mormon is a work inspired by God meant for our day.  I know that my Redeemer lives and that through Him, I, along with all of my brothers and sisters, can be redeemed and brought to live in the presence of my Heavenly Father.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

What is a person supposed to do when love feels so close and yet it simply cannot be touched? It exists behind bulletproof glass. You see it and long for it but you cannot touch it. What makes us love one person so dearly and yet feel nothing for another? Am I on a never-ending merry-go-round of love? It’s as if love were ethereal. Is there a point in holding on? What about holding out? I've loved and lost. What have I gained?

I’m loved by family. I’m loved by friends. I know I’m loved but why does that love feel empty? Why can’t that fill my soul? Why does the love of many, though great, leave me wanting? Why do we yearn for that one? How does one find the love that fills that gaping hole? What makes the love of a single person surpass the collective love of many?

The world offers many temporary alternatives to love. Alcohol wears off and fails to fill. Sexual immorality, like an acid, temporarily fills yet leaves the hole greater still. My God says that love is real and I believe Him. So, why is it so hard to find? Why can’t I just love the one I want? The time may come and yet may not. Am I certain I want to wait?

The woman I want is worth the wait. Though name and face may yet be unknown, many things I can divine. Her love of God is very great. Her faith in Christ confounds the “wise”. Her eyes will ever fail to lie. Our love will grow from day to day. The love I seek will fail to measure up to the love we’ll share throughout the years. The pain, the fun, the laughs and cries along the way, will lead to love that endures. If not today, then soon enough.

YES! Of course I’ll wait. For you I’d wait an eternity. The sad part is you’re waiting, too! You wait for me to learn to trust. You wait for me to learn to love. You wait with patience, faith, and prayers. The man you seek is not quite there. But when I am, you’ll see me, too! Please hold on, I pray you will.