Friday, November 20, 2009

The Wild Mare

The Wild Mare, once roamed unbridled.
To her, happiness was one time vital.
She used to run, free and sidle.
Now brought down, forced to be idle.

Too long has she been kicked around.
Too long has she been beaten down.
Her wild heart now sadly bound.
Her soul and dreams are all but drowned.

To thee, Dear Mare, now I speak.
Persist, You will find what you seek.
Your will now strong, no longer weak.
Your future bright, no longer bleak.

Her very heart love had forsaken.
She finds again what man had taken.
Unbroken spirit reawakens.
Now in her Lord, a faith unshaken.

Someone, someday, will sing her song.
The fear of love shall soon be gone.
So beautiful and very strong.
The Wild Mare rides on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this poem Buzz! Even though it's kind of about me!!