Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Rat's Reality

I am currently reading "The Power of Habit:  Why we do what we do in life and business".  I'm not that far into the book but had an epiphany while reading pages 14 and 15.  In these pages an experiment is described.  The experiment tested the brain activity of rats while running a maze whose ultimate reward was chocolate.  As the rats set out on their initial meandering, their brains were ablaze as they scratched, sniffed, and pawed their way around.  As time passed, and the rats successfully repeated the race, the activity in the brains of the rats began to dim.  The researchers noted that, with each successive running, each rat became more familiar with the maze, the running of the course became automated, and the rats finished faster and faster.

Much like the brains of these little creatures, our brains are constantly looking for the easiest way.  Our brains categorize activities and create neural highways, down which neural impulses can travel at higher speeds.  As things become automatic, we expend less energy on completing tasks which previously came at great cost.

For most, every day is relatively the same.  Imagine your commute to work.  The traffic is the same day to day and week to week.  You pass the same landmarks, you see the same eighteen-wheelers, and even get cut off by the same jerk.  Now, remember the time(s) that you pulled into work, or up to a friend's house, and couldn't remember having driven there.  You weren't intoxicated (hopefully) and yet you couldn't remember turning at the light.  Your mental conversation might have been similar to my own, "Was I asleep?  Did I run that light?  Good thing nobody ran out in front of me, I probably would have hit them!"  (I doubt that you would have hit them, your brain, although on autopilot, would have recognized the change in the environment) 

Now for the epiphany:

If we switch on autopilot for everyday things in life, then what stops us from doing the same in our spiritual lives?  I submit that the process is the same.  If we do not consciously avoid automating our scripture reading and our prayers, then we run the risk of shutting ourselves off to the inspiration of the Spirit.  That, of course, is not to say that we will not be blessed for reading our scriptures and saying our prayers.  However, how much more beneficial will it be for us to break from our routine of reading the next chapter as quickly as possible, saying our next prayer, and getting on with our day?  I would ask, what is wrong with reading one verse, having a question, and then spending the next 30 minutes (or so) researching that question and the answers?  I have noticed that as I follow the thoughts that I receive, my studies are much more fruitful.

I wish not to convey that I do this every time I study the scriptures.  I am not trying to paint myself as a scholar of scripture.  I, like many that I know, struggle to read my scriptures daily.  Many things in this world call for our attention:  work, school, government, athletics, entertainment, physical fitness, etc.  It is important that we prioritize our lives in the way our Father in Heaven wishes.  Is another game, television show, or book, which may eliminate the time to read from the scriptures, more important than reading the word of God?  I know that reading the scriptures first thing in the morning is best for me to ensure that I read them.  I also know, from experience, that reading the scriptures early is sometimes difficult or even impossible as I stayed up too late the night before. (writing a blog post until after 1 a.m.)

PLANNING - so much of life is planning ahead of time what you will do.  How will you spend your time?  Where will you spend your money?  How can you wake up 15-30 minutes earlier to ensure proper study time?  When temptation strikes, what is your plan?  Who will you call? (I doubt the Ghostbusters can help you here)  Plan to have variation and when plans need changing, be flexible.  After all, our plans do need tweaking from time to time to find their way into harmony with Heaven.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Buzz this was just what I needed to read. I appreciate it. Thank you